Our Staff
Halley Linscheid - General Manager
she likes to make films she likes to swim she likes to dress up she likes to dance she likes glitter she likes aerial silks she likes electronic music she likes nighttime she likes trinkets she likes poetry she likes the magic in the world she likes summer she likes rain
Halley is a BFA digital filmmaking student at University of Montana
Malcolm Contreras - MUSIC DIRECTOR
Malcolm permanently has headphones sewn to the sides of his head. True story. From his roots in pop and emo music, to his current knee-deep stance in ambient electronic deathcore, it’s safe to say this man LOVES music. Send him your music, he wants to hear it! oh yeah, Malcolm is studying Music Composition here at UM. Malcolm also acts as photographer, dad, creative head, and overal genius for KBGA.
Cooper Godfrey - media Coordinator
TOMMY Falcon- Art director
Tommy is an Amskapii Pikunii, Missoula based graphic designer and film maker. Hailing from the windy hills of Browning, Montana, Tommy has ended up in many odd predicaments and places, he now finds himself writing his own bio for his position at the local college radio. In deep thought; “pancakes” he thinks to himself. Attempting to think of what to write in the bio, fluffy, sweet and buttery thoughts invade all parts of his brain. A predicament that has happened far too many times in his life. Moving on… Tommy enjoys shooting hoops, playing music with his friends, movies, and the color green. You can find him popping popcorn or in his room playing any From Software produced video game.
Matilda Milner - Outreach cOORDINATOR
Matilda is stoked about college radio, and to direct all programs thereof. She is from Oregon and consequentially did not learn how to pump gas until the age of nineteen. Matilda studies English literature and music-wise, likes 90s alt rock acts such as Björk, MBV, and Sleater-Kinney, but only the normal amount and not in a lame way.
grace hansen - Program Director
Grace lives and breathes music, which is why she will always know more about music than you do. She inherited her dad’s vinyl collection and is therefore cooler than you. Grace grew up in Great Falls, Montana- the music capital of the world. When Grace started kindergarten, her mother, a former music teacher (and violist) wanted Grace to play standing bass, but she insisted on the violin instead (huge mistake). You can now find Grace suffering from incredible amounts of impostor syndrome in the school of music hallways. She is studying music composition. Grace would take a bullet for Beyoncé.
sam cittadini - pRODUCTIONS eNGINEER
Sam Cittadini is super stoked to do what a production engineer does, which I don’t need to explain, because you AND I know what that is so yeah no need to explain that. Sam is originally from Oregon (from the video game Oregon Trail). He recently purchased some Pit Viper sunglasses and people are saying they look super sick and that they fit his head well, and he shouldn’t return them for the other pair that they had that looked way better but the sales lady said they look a little too small on him and that Spider-Man Pit Vipers don’t look very good on a grown boy, even though he specifically looked at them on the website and whispered to himself “yeah those are the ones that are going to change my life, those are the ones that will make my co-workers at KBGA stop calling me ‘little wee one sammy boy’” so basically that sales lady can go to hell because she doesn’t know what a pair of Spider-Man Pit Viper sunglasses could do to a man and how much they really could change someone’s life. He is a Journalism Major.
Allison is the KBGA intern. In her free time, Allison likes to do stuff and participate in things. Her favorite artists are Car Seat Headrest, STRFKR, and the Beatles, and her favorite way to listen to them is through her ears.