now hiring!
Join a team of creative, dedicated students and help enrich your community!
Collaborate with volunteers from all over Missoula who are passionate about music, art and all things public radio.
(Paper applications are also available at our office, UC 208.)
Position available
Office Manager
The Office Manager assists the rest of the staff with daily maintenance of the KBGA office. Organizing, scheduling meeting rooms, assembling the Community Events Calendar and Public Service Announcements are some responsibilities of this position. Office Managers rely on their own initiative to seek out ways they can help other staff members, as well as becoming a resource for DJs.
Volunteer Coordinator
The Volunteer Coordinator serves as a lifeline between the DJ body, the station staff, and the community. Working closely with the Program Director, they are tasked with managing the volunteer body, orchestrating events, and keeping in touch with the DJs on a regular basis.
Music Director
The Music Director is responsible for contributing to KBGA’s music library. They work directly with promoters, record labels, independent artists, and our own DJ body to populate the New Music Shelf with carefully reviewed music selections, ensuring FCC compliance and maintaining KBGA’s unique and diverse library.
Underwriting Coordinator
The Underwriting Coordinator finds creative ways to help businesses, nonprofits and other groups advertise in a respectable, listenable manner. This position works closely with the Business Manager to maintain our relationships with these groups, as well as forge new ones. They will always be on the look out for ways that KBGA can expand our presence into the community.
Any questions? Contact the General Manager Ian Seipker,