Putting It In Perspective: An Interview with Jason McCue

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“Sometimes city life it gets bogged down and you think, ‘Why would I talk to a stranger?’,” Singer-songwriter Jason McCue states. After graduating this spring from college, Jason decided to do just that, to talk to strangers. A few months after accepting his degree, Jason went on his second cross-country tour with a goal to, “meet as many people as possible.” “It was a completely unexpected thing that I just happened to find myself in,” he says looking back at some of his most memorable moments from tour. “People are way more generous that I thought were… People were genuinely interested in my life and what I was doing, and I was interested in their life [too].” According to Jason, his songwriting comes from, “Analysing stuff that’s going on in my life or in the world.” That this tour has allowed him to better, “put [things] in perspective.” He states that when it came to this tour, and that when it comes to things you enjoy doing to, “Not look at it in black and white.” Instead that, “if the stars align for you to be able to do the thing you can’t stop thinking about. Maybe do it? [Do it] as long as it’s still the thing that gives you joy.” For Jason preforming has always been an experience with, “a bunch of people excited about playing, sharing, and enjoying music.” Jason continues to share his music back in Seattle with hopes of going on another tour this spring. 

To listen to the full interview with Jason, click the play button.

For more info on Jason and his music, click here

Interview and article by Natalie Schmidt. Photo by Jake Hanson.