KBGA LIVE! With Semper Sursum


Natalie Schmidt is DJ Short, you can check out her show Aired Up on Fridays from 12PM-2PM and listen to interviews before they hit the website.

Semper Sursum in Latin means to always aim high, and that’s exactly what this local Missoula band aims to do. “We each have our own style in our group, Everybody feeds off each other.” Logan, the drummer explains how their different approaches to music converge.

“We have an idea of what everyone's taste is. Where you think they are gonna go musically, we understand that language,” Zach, the bassist tells me. When asked about their lyrical inspirations, Ben, the lead singer and guitarist, has this to say:

“Mostly kind of just responding to the American culture and what I find annoying [about] American culture. [What] is inspiring about it also. [The] songs are more geared towards inspiring people to overcome their own adversities, that’s where the lyrics are aimed towards.”